Activity Log Page

The "Activity Log" page allows you to view any changes that were made to the schedule.

1. Click on the "Activity Log" page.

Note: Notifications that are logged on this page include: a new schedule has been published, someone picked up an open shift, a trade was done by employees, someone made a time-off request, a fellow admin made any change to an existing shift, and if someone sends you a message via the EasyShifts message board.

The columns will allow you to see:

2. Type of Activity:  Description of what activity was performed.

3. Date: Date on which the change was made. 

4. Performed By: Describes who made the change.

5. Original Employee: Who was the orginal person affected by the activity.

6. New Employee: If a shift was affected by the activity, this column indicates who now has the shift.    

7. Description of Activity: Here a brief description is given.  i.e. the time of the shift itself; dates of a week that has been posted...etc. 

Note: These notifications can also be sent to your confirmed email address. To change what notifications are also forwarded to your email click on the "Preferences" tab. See the page entitled "Set Your Notification Preferences".