Time Clock Settings
Monday, July 4, 2022 11:37:48 AM
1. Go to the "Settings" page
2. Click the "Time Clock" option
3. Max minutes to check in before shift start: The maximum number of minutes an employee can punch in to a shift before shift-start-time without flagging the shift to be reviewed by an admin.
4. Max minutes to check in after shift start: The maximum number of minutes an employee can punch in to a shift after shift-start-time without flagging the shift to be reviewed by an admin.
5. Max minutes to check out before shift end: The maximum number of minutes an employee can punch out of a shift before shift-end-time without flagging the shift to be reviewed by an admin.
6. Max minutes to check out after shift end: The maximum number of minutes an employee can punch out of a shift after shift-end-time without flagging the shift to be reviewed by an admin.
7. Hours before check in will be considered abandoned: The amount of hours after shift-punch-in-time before it is presumed an employee forgot to punch out, and the shift will be flagged as abandoned to admin staff.
8. Maximum meters from facility location: If set to 0, then geofencing is turned off and staff can punch in from any location. If set to a number greater than 0, will restrict punches-in to locations within the number of meters from your facility location.
9. Save. You must hit the "Save" button after making any changes in order for them to take effect.
Note: Employees must give EasyShifts android or iOS app permission to use location either Once or While using this App or Always in order to use this function.