Eldermark Integration

(Facility needs to have us turn on the Eldermark feature for them)


1. Go to the "Settings" page


2. Select "Eldermark" tab at the top of the page



3. To import Eldermark Acuity data, click in the box next to the "Upload" button


4. Find and select your Eldermark Acuity data file



5. Click "Upload" -you should see now be able to see the information in EasyShifts



6. Select "Averaging Method"
 -Full Average: This method will average all the data together. The result is that each day of the week will have the same totals.

Sun: 11 hours
Mon: 13 hours
Tues: 12 hours
Wed: 14 hours
Full Average: 11+13+12+14=50 50/4=12.5
Sun: 12.5 hours
Mon: 12.5 hours
Tues 12.5 hours
Wed: 12.5 hours

 -Day of Week: This method will do a separate average for every day of the week. The result is that each day of the week will have a different total.

Sun: 11 hours
Mon: 13 hours
Tues: 12 hours
Wed: 14 hours
Day of Week:
Sun: 11 hours
Mon: 13 hours
Tues 12 hours
Wed: 14 hours


7. Go to "Department Schedules" and select a week


8. Be sure the "Eldermark" toggle switch is turned on