Department Settings - General Settings

1. Organization Overtime Limit: (Read only) View what is considered overtime at your organization.


2. Start of Department Workweek: (Read only) Indicates the day and time your organizations overtime period starts each week.


3. Partial Shift Pickups: Choose whether or not all your employees can _pick up_ just part of an _open shift_. If you do not want your employees to be able to pick up partial shifts just uncheck the box.


4. Partial Shift Up for Grabs and Trade: Choose whether or not all your employees can _grab_ or _trade_ just part of an open shift. If you do not want your employees to be able to pick up partial shifts just uncheck the box.


5. Strict Overtime: Strict Overtime will block overtime trades and pickups even when the weekly overtime is not locked on the department schedule view. Only open pickups will be allowed.


6. Organization Overtime Method: Choose the organization overtime method. (Note: You may or may not see this setting based on your level of access)


7. Employees Can Manage Own Availability: Choose whether employees can manage their own availability.


8. Show Time Off From Other Departments: This allows you to see approved time off from other departments on the "Department Schedule>Conflicts and Time Off" page. It will also warn you if you attempt to schedule an employee during an approved time off from another department.